Fatal Attraction, is an upcoming series written by Alexandra Cunningham (Desperate Housewives& Dirty John) set to premiere on April 30, 2023 on Paramount+. Joshua Jackson stars as Dan Gallagher, a man whose chance sexual encounter with a woman named Alex Forrest as portrayed by Lizzy Caplan leads to a torrid affair that quickly turns dark. Like the original, this Alex’s feelings for her beau sour once he begins to rebuff her, and her obsessive feelings for him begin to grow increasingly intense and dangerous. The new Fatal Attraction will also put a particular focus on exploring its themes through a “modern” lens with more nuanced ideas about the balances of power in relationships, emotional manipulation, and how we conceive of “strong women” as an archetype. It will be executive produced by the likes of Justin Falvey, Darryl Frank, Kevin J. Hynes, Sherry Lansing and Silver Tree.
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Our database currently contains 74 articles and 301 files. CAUTION: This wiki contains spoilers from the Paramount+ series and the other accompanying IPs. Proceed at your own risk.